Undone Women: Sylvie Mus

Sylvie Mus @sylviemus_ is a stylist by trade, but has also made a name for herself in front of the camera with her minimalist style and regularly capturing the eye of street style photographers during fashion week.
We chat to Sylvie about how she found her personal style, how she keeps her wardrobe organised and why versatility is so important when building a functional wardrobe.
We love your neutral style palette, have you always dressed this way? We would love to hear the story of how you found your personal style.
When I was younger I was more experimental with my style. I tried a lot of trends and colours and I would come up with the wildest outfits. I landed on my current style at the age of 23 and it just stuck. I found out that a minimalistic, no-fuss style is what I feel best in. The biggest difference between now and when I was younger is that now I only dress for myself.
What helps you get dressed in the morning, is there a styling tip you always stick to?
I can be quite impatient so I don't like spending a lot of time trying to decide what to wear, so a carefully curated closet helps a lot! I only have my favourite items in there so I know that whatever I put on I'll feel good in it. But if I have a busy morning I'll plan my look the night before to save time. It's also good to have some go-to pieces you can easily throw on.

How do you keep you wardrobe organised and curated. eg. Do you have a one in one out rule, donate or sell often, are good at storing during alternative seasons.
I have only a certain amount of clothes, shoes and bags in my closet and I aim to keep it that way. I try not to collect things, so I do practice that one in one out rule. This means I have to put more thought into the new things I buy, and when I do buy something new it's usually an upgrade of something I was willing to let go of.
Working as a stylist how do you help your talent/models feel their best when on set?
I try to make sure the model feels comfortable in the clothes I've selected for them. I learned in my modelling days that confidence can be very tied to how comfortable you feel. Also giving sincere compliments on a job well done is important to anyone on set.

What’s the oldest piece in your wardrobe and what makes you hold onto it?
It's a classic vintage brown leather handbag from the 60s. I've had it for years now and it's still in perfect condition. It's one of those pieces I'll definitely hold onto forever.
Are you an impulse purchaser or do you have a style rule that helps you when adding an item to your wardrobe?
I avoid impulse buys and I try not to buy things for specific occasions only or with one outfit in mind, because those items will just end up in the back of my closet if I can't get versatile use out of them.

Your MVP’s, what do you wear the most often?
An oversize black blazer, casual t shirts, vintage blue jeans and black mules. In winter I replace the mules with ankle boots and the t shirts with turtlenecks.
You can never have too many….
Lingerie sets and pant suits!
What would you feel lost without?
My sisters and my day planner.
What does being undone mean to you?
For me it means being myself unapologetically and doing the things that come naturally to me. Forcing things is always a disservice to yourself. Even when it comes to style.
All images via @sylviemus_