The Power Of Planning Your Outfits

We do it every day, yet for some, the task of getting dressed in the morning proves equally intimidating each time. For this writer, most of the morning is spent at the vanity, this poor judgement of timing eventuating in a mad dash to get dressed within the few minutes I left to spare before walking out the front door.
Most of that time is spent blankly staring at a wardrobe that seemingly contains ‘nothing’ appropriate to wear — throw in unexpected weather and an important meeting you forgot about, and panic immediately ensues.
It seems simple enough, but the truth is that the process of selecting an outfit that evokes equal parts comfort, joy and polish on the fly feels near-impossible, and often concludes with slipping on the same configuration that’s been worn many times before in the days prior.
The problem in this particular scenario, this writer is quickly realising, is going into this process blind and unprepared — not only does it lead to a far more trying experience than is necessary (starting off the day already flustered is not recommended), and unwanted piles of clothing building up around you by the second, but a lack of forethought often also leads to us underutilising our wardrobes in a big way and limits our analyses of our personal style.
But the great news is that the solve to all this is simple — just as you would prepare your home and your meals for the week ahead by dedicating time to clean and clear your space and stock your fridge, you can also do the same for your outfits for the coming days.
We’re about to make a serious case for planning your outfits ahead of time, so join us in opening your wardrobes and taking a long, hard look within it.
Make Monday mornings stressful no more
While much of our Sunday afternoons are spent relishing the final hours of our weekend, the truth is that giving even just 10 minutes of thought to your week of outfits ahead makes a world of difference come Monday morning.
Before you even approach your wardrobe, take a moment to sit down and look at what’s waiting for you in the week ahead — is it particularly rainy weather? A team-wide presentation? Maybe even a job interview? Take all this information with you, and open those wardrobe doors. Whether you’re planning for the next day, or the week ahead, begin to lay out your individual pieces until they become full outfits, accessories and all.
From here, hang up your outfits in their entirety so they’re ready to go on their assigned day. Or, if you’re limited for space, take a photo of each outfit, and drop them each into a notes app under their dedicated days.
It may seem simple, and yes, the world won’t crumble if one day goes unplanned, but the mental load this single task can lift is immense.
Wear more of your clothes than ever before
Aside from short-term planning, use this (ideally) weekly planning process as a bit of a fashion expedition within your own wardrobe. We — this writer included — often find ourselves gravitating to a few key pieces because we know they work in certain contexts (the office, dinners, formal occasions, etc.) and we’re guaranteed to feel comfortable and confident in them. But this line of thinking often leaves a great deal of our wardrobes untouched.
Delve a little deeper and give that piece you perhaps aren’t instantly drawn to another chance. If you wear it, and realise exactly why you’d been avoiding it, perhaps it’s time to part with that piece in a conscious and responsible way. Or, on the flip side, you find a hidden gem and it becomes a favourite once again. Either way, you’re figuring out what looks good on you, what you feel great in, and in that process, ‘expanding’ your wardrobe without spending a single cent.
Find the gaps in your wardrobe
In this process of discovery, you’ll likely experience a few instances in which that staple or accessory an outfit really requires just isn’t there for you. This writer, for example, is constantly realising that her winter wardrobe is seriously lacking in warming outerwear that works for both the office and after hours, as well as closed-in shoes that aren’t sneakers or boots.
Take this first-hand knowledge, and be sure to target any future purchases towards targeting these gaps in your wardrobe to guarantee that anything new you are buying is absolutely going to be worn, and not become one of those aforementioned pieces that gets lost in your wardrobe.
Start discovering your personal style
As you become more thoughtful and considered in the way you approach your wardrobe, and what you’re intentionally dressing yourself in — and, even more so, the pieces that you’re not picking up in this process — you’ll come to be more familiar with the aesthetic you’re consciously (or maybe unconsciously) trying to curate for yourself.
A secondary benefit to this whole process is discovering your true personal style. Perhaps many pieces that remain in your wardrobe are from a previous phase in your life that either no longer serve you in a practical sense, or simply no longer reflect the ‘you’ of today. Start seeking out those pieces that make part of what you perceive your personal style to be, and responsibly part with those that no longer serve you.
Hero the pieces that have you feeling your best
In a similar vein to personal style, just as important as aesthetic is feel — and feeling good in what you wear. In the process of planning your outfits for the week ahead, you’ll start finding those pieces that best compliment you, those which are guaranteed to leave you feeling your best each and every time you wear them. Whether it’s a particular colour, or a specific silhouette, find those surefire pieces and begin working them into each and every one of your looks.
Find the joy within your existing wardrobe
This last one is truly a culmination of all of the above, but in itself a very important message — have fun with this process! Whether it’s rediscovering that long forgotten piece that looks and feels just as great on as the day you bought it, finding that pair of jeans that becomes a staple in almost any look, or even realising that your current assortment of accessories just aren’t serving you the way they should, the process of planning is truly an illuminating experience.