Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Key learnings and educational resources.
While we as white people understand that we will never understand, it’s important for us to do the work and educate ourselves on these key issues. There are people that have dedicated their lives to researching and educating others in these areas so we urge you to learn, listen and pay them for their work and have listed some resources below that we have come across as a starting point.
Key Concepts to Research
White Privilege
Why it’s hurtful to say All Lives Matter
Being an Active Ally
Systematic Racism
Internal Biases
Other concepts to explore
White Saviorism
Unpacking white supremacy
Four Dimensions of Racism
Interpersonal Racism
Being an Active Ally
Dismantling internal racism
Know that you’ll never arrive or understand
Defunding Police
Ending Police Brutality
Amplifying BIPoC
BIPof vs POC
Centre the most marginalised
Do not centre yourself in the narrative.
Do the work yourself and don’t ask BIPoC to educate you
White Fragility - Robin Diangelo
Me and white supremacy - Layla F Saad
So you want to talk about race - Ijeoma Oluo
How to be an antiracist - Ibram X Kendi
Americanah - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Hate U Give - Angie Thomas
Black Feminist Thought - Patricia Hill Collins
Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race - Reni Eddo-Lodge
Women, Race & Class - Angela Y. Davis
The Master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house - Audre Lorde
The Fire Next Time - James Baldwin
Another Country - James Baldwin
The new Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colourblindness - Michelle Alexander
The color of law - Richard Rothstein
13th - Netflix
When they see us - Netflix
Dear White People - Netflix
American Son - Netflix
1619 - The New York Times
About Race - Reni Eddo - Lodge
Intersectionality Matters - Kimberle Crenshaw
Pod For The Cause - From the Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights
Seeing White
Code switch (NPR)
Momentum: a race forward podcast
Living Black Conversations - John Pilget
Accounts to follow
Black Lives Matter @blklivesmatter
Janaya Future Khan @janayathefuture
Check Your Privlege @ckyourprivlege
Rachel Elizabeth Cargle @rachel.cargle
Online Courses
Rachel Ricketts - Spiritual Activism webinars
Sharyn Holmes - Unpack Your Privilege. A global approach to anti-racism and anti-oppression
Australia and our First Nation Peoples
Find out who’s traditional country you’re on
Dark Emu - Bruce Pascoe
Terra Nullius - Claire G. Coleman
Growing up Aboriginal in Australia - edited by Anita Heiss
Talking to my country - Stan Grant
Australia Day - Stan Grant
Sand Talk - Tyson Yunkaporta
Black is The New White - Nakkiah Lui
Other readings and areas to research
The Uluru Statement - calling for a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution.
Change the date of Australia day
Rabbit Proof Fence
In my blood it runs
First Australians
Samson & Delilah
The Signal
Breathless - the death of David Dungay Jr
Take it Blak - NITV News
Birds Eye View
Brown Girl Pod
Free Her:
Accounts to follow